Officially declared a public health emergency in October 2017, the Opioid Crisis has claimed nearly 100,000 lives from 2017 to 2018, accounting for the vast majority of U.S. drug overdoses in those years. In 2017 alone, an estimated 1.8 million…
Category: Uncategorized
An Overview of Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs)
Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs) are organizations that adhere to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) standards for health care quality improvement through the collection and reporting of clinical data.1 CMS, established in 1965 and part of the…
Measuring Productivity in Anesthesiology
In private practice, physician-lead practice groups, and academic medical centers alike, there is often an emphasis placed on productivity. How many cases are completed per day, what is the turnover time, and how has patient census changed over time? In…
How Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA) Works
Continuing education and evaluation in anesthesiology is crucial to maintaining high standards of quality patient care. In theory, recertification programs exist for the benefit of patients and physicians alike, though changing policies for certain specialties have sparked outrage and controversy…
The Financial Incentives of Anesthesia Group Acquisitions
Medical group acquisitions have continued to trend upwards in recent years. A study conducted by the Physicians Advocacy Institute (PAI) found that in a 5.5-year period from July 2012-January 2018, the percentage of hospital-employed physicians increased by over 70%. In…
Physician Burnout: Focus on Anesthesia Practitioners
The phenomenon of burnout is cited to affect over 50% of the medical workforce in the United States1. Burnout is known as a cluster of symptoms in which an individual experiences consistently low physical and emotional energy levels, deficits in…
Evolution of Anesthesiology Residency Programs
Residency is a crucial step after medical school. It is during this training period that medical students develop into clinicians and acquire the skills to not only care for patients, but also deliberate on life-or-death decisions. For anesthesiology residents, this…
Updates on Value Based Care
In medicine, reimbursement drives change in clinical practice faster than evidence. Bundled payments from Medicare since the development of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) epitomize a heightened value of measurable outcomes. The Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) directs physicians to…
Virtual Reality as a Tool for Surgical and Anesthesia Training
Medical education continues to develop year after year, and anesthesiology continues to do so as well. In the conventional pathway of training to become a physician, future anesthesiologists are required to pass two years of a traditional pre-clinical academic program,…
Double-Booked Surgeries: Policy and Practice for Anesthesiologists
Operations Management for clinics, hospitals, and surgical services represents multiple challenges with regards to managing patient flow and delivering services in a punctual, cost-sensitive manner. One important challenge that has gained interest in the press concerns the practice of double-booking…