Radius Anesthesia Services is dedicated to client satisfaction. Our goal is to complement your practice by providing peri-operative services that are second to none. Our anesthesiologists are experienced with the outpatient setting and comfortable and confident with sedating patients independently in the office-based setting. We work with over forty board-certified anesthesiologists in the Greater New York area. We take great pride in the quality of our physicians and are privileged to work with such an exemplary group of healthcare professionals.
Our comprehensive services include scheduling the same anesthesiologist whenever possible to ensure continuity of care. We will ensure your office or surgery center has all requisite and current credentials on file for all the anesthesiologists that service your patients. We provide and manage all anesthesia medications, equipment, and supplies needed for anesthesia in the office-based setting. Our certified anesthesia technologists track inventory meticulously. We have backup equipment readily available if needed. Billing and collections are performed “in-house” and in a compliant and patient-friendly manner. We are readily available to answer any questions patients may have regarding billing either before their procedure or afterward.
We have extensive experience with the accreditation requirements of the Joint Commission, AAAHC, and AAAASF. We have taken part in numerous surveys and ensure that all the anesthesia-related requirements for office-based surgery are satisfied. We take great pride in patient safety, our utmost priority.
No matter what your schedule, we will strive to accommodate it. Weekend procedures? No problem. We will satisfy your coverage needs.
We do not send post-call anesthesiologists to cover your cases. The anesthesiologist will be well rested and free of all obligations other than to provide your patients with great care and the undivided attention that is their right. The anesthesiologist will not be scheduled for early morning cases before they arrive at your facility as we are punctual. They will stay until the last patient has left your facility in stable condition and is satisfied with the care they received.
It is our privilege to provide anesthesia care to the wonderful patients of New York and to assist the exemplary surgeons of our world-class community.